Friday, December 6, 2024

Pointless Cravings #1

 I am a vegetarian,  my wife's a non vegetarian. My 9 year old daughter is still figuring out what to be but somehow all these years of her avoiding meat has made me think that she is doing it for me. 

I wouldn't mind it if she decides to take her mother's side but still...

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Everyone's an Atheist

Atheists should understand that no now really believes in God anymore and that most of the Theists are purely opportunists. Please stop arguing with them.

If I were to kill stalker Sathish and went to court and said God made me do it, I am absolutely sure no one would believe it. But, if a child was praying for money to pay his/her school fees and I happened to help him/her then these same people would grab the opportunity to say "See, God sent you to help the poor child".  

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Nostalgia II

Was browsing through the net and suddenly landed on a blogger site that was using the exact same theme as this one. I hadn't even logged into this account in a long time and intruded by nostalgia came here to see how were things. 

 For some unknown reason 'Blogs I follow' sunk my heart. All those amazing blogs seemed as abandoned as this one. I remember eagerly following Lightning Strikes Everyday and Magix 'n' Curses back then and try as I might I can only image reading those blogs on a cool rainy evening. 

 Guess I am not unworthy of nostalgia after all.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Nostalgia I

I think I am unworthy of nostalgia. The place that I grew up for 25+ years seems alien to me. I've been away for only five years but I don't seem to miss anything. Why?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Journey Begins

All through my life I had considered myself as an un-emotional guy. No, I wasn't proud of it. I could cry easily when watching a Pixar movie, get extremely angry seeing all the atrocities committed in my country, feel sad for that little dog... but when it came to real people - be it my parents, wife, brothers or sisters, I had to fake it sometimes.

Somehow I had become detached from people. My obsession with logic blinded me from understanding human emotions and my sarcastic smirks only widened this gap. Its a miracle my wife fell in love with me ( I am thankful for that :) ).

And then my niece was born. She was the first person in the world who brought real joy to me. In a way she also made my wife fall for me. She taught me to care, play and pulled me away from this online world. In spite of all this, as an uncle I still did not have one thing - responsibility. 

Today my daughter was born. The moment I took her in my arms she showed me what real emotion was, that pain of waiting showed me how much I loved my wife. Every moment with her gives me unfound energy and responsibility.

Responsibility can change you a lot.

I am suddenly more confident, feel like starting all over, learn new things .. becoming a kid at 30 is great!

Of the all the things in this world, the joy of becoming a father to a little girl is unbound. The movies weren't lying after all.

I am a paranoid guy and am sure to be an over protective dad. I do hope one day she'll understand and say I am the best dad in the world. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side

When I was in primary school I used to think that life would be much better in high school, when I went to high school I hated Chemistry and thought life would be better off in college, made it to college and again felt 'Work Life' would be much cooler.

It took me some time to enter the 'Work Life'. Summer came and to my horror realized that I was no longer entitled to 'Summer Vacation' .. and went back to feeling miserable.

Its been nearly six years since I started working now. My office is located near a school and a few days back I left early, right when the school closed for the day. Don't know why but when I looked at them I suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Holy moly! I am out of school.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

An Appeal to All My SN Savvy Friends

Guys, please stop it.

I already know very well what has happened in the past few weeks. Like most of you, I too am in the habit of following the media through TV, newspapers, blogs and everything else that can make one go berserk. There is really no need for you to keep endlessly sharing the incident in every gory details (with pictures).

What are you trying to achieve here?
Are you expressing your solidarity with the victim ? If so, do you really think that a Facebook like or share or a less than 140 char re-tweet will mean anything ? Or is that I (and all the other 'friends' who get to see your timeline) will change over a new leaf ? Oh! come on! for heavens sake, I get to see what you shared because I am in your 'friends' list and you get to see what I shared because you are in my friends list and, we both are friends for a good reason, the most important being that we both consider each other good people meaning someone who'll never commit such heinous crimes . If not, then you have made a serious mistake in your life and its high time you check who and what your friends really are and correct that instead of sharing something out of impulse. The only thing you are achieving here is making the day more depressing for me.

How much do we really care? 
Its a well know fact that telling others about our frustrations would help us release some anger and is this how you want to release it? with a Facebook like/share, re-tweet? Look, we all are angry here. Frustrated, angry, saddened and helpless. Have you every tried sitting down and taking some time to write what you really thought?  You'll be surprised to discover how little you have to say and how less you care. It is even more frustrating to see you share a gory detail and then in a minute share how awesome your car/bike/mobile etc. is.

Oh! ya, we are a community that is obsessed with an entertainer who after entertaining us with a century goes on to dedicate it to the people of the country and donates a few lakhs to an already wealthy charitable trust. It doesn't matter if the 10 lakhs is just 1% of what he earns, it doesn't matter to us that he could have helped the cause much better if he had boycotted that match, we will gladly post it on our timeline and say he has made our country proud.
If we cannot go out on the streets and protest, not for a day, not for a month, not in hundreds, not in thousands then nothing will change. There are more criminals in this world than good ones. 2000+ mob goes on to burn, rape and kill people, millions of people visit the funeral of a politician but only a few hundreds will come out to protest. Check out this and this if you want to hear it better.

I sincerely hope someday I have the courage to go out and protest but today I am a ******* coward who will not do anything. My family, friends, job, property are more important to me. Please don't keep mocking me and depress me and let me do some work.


PS 1: This post is not just based on what my friends are sharing but generally on what I think is happening.  Every time I see reports of crime/corruption and people protesting, I cannot help but wonder where these so called celebrities (Who 'do' it for the country) are. Yes, with great power comes great responsibility. If they think not, then they should keep their mouths shut and refrain from saying 'I did this for my country'.

PS 2: Hats off to the people who are protesting in Delhi. Feel free to abuse me in the comments on my inability to do anything. I deserve it.